Insights Discovery Profiles and Workshops

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Insights Discovery Profile and Training

The Insights Discovery foundation profile

The Insights Discovery foundation profile is a tool that improves communication, career development and team effectiveness. Insights Discovery will help create collaborative and fun workplaces in both face to face and virtual settings.

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Insights Discovery Profile Example


This link will take you directly to the Insights Discovery evaluator where you will be asked to complete 25 sets of questions. Once the process is completed, a member of our team will be in touch to finalise the purchase.

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Expected time to complete the evaluator: 15 to 20 minutes

Improve your communication skills with our colour wheel tool

Discover how to effectively communicate with different personalities and insights using practical tips and strategies. Become an expert in understanding and adapting to various communication styles. Click on each colour separately to learn more and start improving your communication skills now!

Click on each of the colour energies to review the communication do’s and dont's.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Fiery Red Energy - Do’s

  • Do not obstruct opportunities for her development.
  • Be humorous, but don't humour her.
  • Speak quickly and clearly.
  • Go prepared to get straight down to business.
  • Point out the consequences, with care.
  • Be realistic while offering possibilities and solutions.
  • Be enthusiastic and positive.
  • Be diplomatic, or else.
  • Take responsibility for your own actions and errors.
  • Be prepared to get a quick decision.
  • Leave personalities out of the discussion.
  • Let her decide on the way forward

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Fiery Red Energy - Don’ts

  • Be messy, unstructured or ill-equipped.
  • Be indecisive, unclear or "woolly".
  • Overload her with facts, details and paperwork.
  • Try to control the conversation.
  • Try to hoodwink or mislead.
  • "Fudge"" the issue or waffle.
  • Talk slowly, mumble or whisper.
  • Be unenthusiastic or negative.
  • Criticise her ideas too harshly or personally.
  • Try to pin the blame on her.
  • Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions.
  • Interrupt her while she is in control.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Earth Green Energy - Do’s

  • Be clear and concise, and concentrate on the task in hand.
  • Leave time for the relationship as well as the task.
  • Deal with him in an honest and sincere way.
  • Let him know the unique contribution he is making.
  • Be careful to maintain the status quo.
  • Explain why, what and how, and do it clearly and concisely.
  • Give him time to reflect inwardly.
  • Give him time to express himself.
  • Appeal to his need to be of service.
  • Allow him time to gather his thoughts and to express his feelings.
  • Balance opportunities for reflection with gentle conversation or interaction.
  • Respect his need to be alone for extended periods.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Earth Green Energy - Don’ts

  • Be brusque, overbearing or harness him to unrealistic deadlines.
  • Expect him to be a visionary.
  • Dismiss his work, ideas or opinions lightly.
  • Ask him to make a group presentation without ample preparation time.
  • Reinforce his own self criticism.
  • Attempt to disguise your true motives.
  • Discourage his participation by forcibly suppressing his viewpoint.
  • Ignore or be dismissive of his suggestions.
  • Use his quiet demeanour to seek to dominate or control.
  • Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to the way that he does things.
  • Assume passivity is tacit disagreement.
  • Force him to take a positive stance on an issue without time for thought.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Cool Blue Energy - Do’s

  • Ensure you have a logical reason for any changes.
  • Ensure that your statements are accurate and factual.
  • Be clear and concise, and concentrate on the task in hand.
  • Give her time to express herself.
  • If you must criticise, do it slowly, constructively and honestly.
  • Ensure that she understands the rules.
  • Go prepared to get straight down to business.
  • Leave personalities out of the discussion.
  • Use "should" rather than "must".
  • Remember to ask for her opinions of other systems and projects.
  • Be sure that she is ready to communicate before pressing ahead.
  • Be thorough, organised and on time.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Cool Blue Energy - Don’ts

  • Dismiss her work, ideas or opinions lightly.
  • Ask her to make a group presentation without ample preparation time.
  • Expect her to immediately strike up close relationships or friendships.
  • Be over-humorous in a serious situation.
  • Stray from the agenda.
  • Break promises.
  • Do not assume that her lack of response means tacit agreement with what is proposed.
  • Fail to respect her need for occasional isolation.
  • Try to rush her into a decision.
  • Argue emotionally around her specialist areas.
  • Reinforce her own self criticism.
  • Undermine her authority.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Sunshine Yellow Energy - Do’s

  • Acknowledge his talent for leadership.
  • Ask for his thoughts and ideas.
  • Be prepared to share problems openly.
  • Don't always expect brief, specific answers.
  • Maintain regular, informal feedback.
  • Talk tangibly and with enthusiasm.
  • Use a casual, informal style of conversation.
  • Maintain personal content in communication.
  • Be enthusiastic and positive.
  • Match his pace in presenting to him.
  • Be alive and entertaining.
  • Talk about him and areas he finds stimulating.

Communicating Strategies when interacting with Sunshine Yellow Energy - Don’ts

  • Impose a “can't be done” or defeatist attitude on him.
  • Speak too slowly or hesitantly.
  • Dream with him - unless you can spare the time!
  • Unnecessarily challenge ideas or actions.
  • Take issue with his demeanour or jaunty disposition.
  • Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions.
  • Ignore or disregard his views.
  • Create a hostile environment devoid of feelings.
  • Involve him in formal, lengthy or tedious meetings.
  • Insist on cumbersome reporting procedures.
  • Be vague or leave things open to interpretation.
  • Stick rigidly to business issues.

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Our most popular workshops are now offered in both face to face and virtual formats. You can choose a half day or full day format to suit your requirements.

Have a question? Call us on 0800 1337 401 or contact us.

Introduction to Insights Discovery

The Introduction to Insights Discovery - Beginning your Journey is a dynamic, engaging introduction workshop that helps individuals and teams grasp the theory of the Insights Discovery system. This workshop covers the foundational theory of Insights Discovery starting with Carl Yung's three preference sets: Introvert v Extrovert, Thinking v Feeling, and Sensation v Intuition. Delegates will explore the four colour energies of the Insights Discovery model: Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue as well as identifying the eight psychological types: Director, Motivator, Inspirer, Helper, Supporter, Observer, and Reformer. Delegates will understand their own energy mix and how to practically apply the Insights Discovery system.

Understanding Perception

Learn about the Jungian preferences

Learn about the four Discovery Energy Colours and identify your colour mix

Learn the 8 personality types of Insights Discovery

Explore and understand your own personal Insights Discovery Profile

Explore and understand others personal Insights Discovery Profile

Learn how to identify the colour energies in others

Learn to adapt your behaviour

Create a plan of action

Half Day:
Full Day:

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Insights Discovery and Leadership

Gallup research suggest that managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement, engagement that increases productivity, sales, and retention. The Insights Discovery leadership workshop strengthens the leader's self-awareness and other-awareness, equipping leaders to become more adaptable and situation driven influences of the team and organisations culture. The workshop explores the four manifestations of leadership; Results Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Relationship Leadership and Centred Leadership focusing on the key motivators and blockers that drive the four colour energies. Delegates will learn how to use the Insights Discovery system to enhance the employee experience throughout their entire life cycle.

Traits of great leaders

The four colour energies in leadership

The four manifestations of leadership

Motivating the colour energies

Motivating the eight types

My motivation as a leader

Management chapter and decision making

Half Day:
Full Day:

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Insights Discovery and Teams

The Insights Discovery Team workshop will help delegates identify how to use the Insights Discovery system within the context of team. It may be a small team that works closely together or in the wider collaboration of multiple teams. The key emphasis is on recognising the different kinds of personality types within a team and helping delegates build the knowledge around how to adapt to their colleagues, in particular, those that are on oppositive sides of the Insights Discovery wheel. Delegates will Identify their teams dominant colour energy and the potential strengths and weaknesses of their energy mix. Delegates will assess and score how well their team is managing its processes, performance and people and identify strategies for improvement.

The Insights team effectiveness model

Assessing team strengths

Team culture

Team colour energies

Team process, performance, and people

Half Day:
Full Day:

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What is Insights Discovery?

Insights Discovery is a powerful profiling tool that can unlock the secrets to understanding ourselves and others better. Discover your unique four energy colour combination, Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue. Based on Carl Jung's theories around personality types, Insights Discovery will offer increased self-awareness for the individual looking at self development, strategies for building effective teams in any environment, and it can help you become a better leader through using the Insights Discovery profile management chapter.

Insights Discovery Personalities

Boost your team bonding and productivity with a fun-filled day out

Team Day Out

Insights Discovery is a powerful tool for team building and improving communication and understanding within a team. On a team building day out, here's how you can use Insights Discovery to get the most out of your event:

Pre-event preparation: Each team member completes the Insights Discovery Personal Profile, which provides a comprehensive understanding of their individual personality and communication style.

Introducing Insights Discovery: During the team building day, facilitators can lead a session introducing the Insights Discovery model and how it can be used to improve team dynamics.

Team dynamics: Team members can then discuss their Personal Profiles and how they relate to their team roles and responsibilities. This can help team members better understand and appreciate each other's strengths and differences.

Communication and conflict resolution: Insights Discovery can also be used to improve communication and resolve conflicts within the team. By understanding each other's communication styles, team members can tailor their approach to better connect with one another and resolve any misunderstandings.

Action planning: As a team, use the insights gained from Insights Discovery to create an action plan for improving team dynamics and communication going forward.

Overall, incorporating Insights Discovery into your team building day out can help improve team cohesion, communication, and productivity.

Contact us today to learn more.

Insights Discovery - Beginning your Journey

At Seven Institute, we are a trusted distributor and partner of Insights Discovery. This innovative model leverages four distinct color energies—Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue—to elevate individual organisational performance. By tapping into these energies, leaders, managers, and teams can significantly enhance communication and collaboration.

Curious about how Insights Discovery can benefit your organisation? Watch our video to see how identifying the dominant color energy in each individual fosters better understanding and drives positive change. Learn how a shared language of colour can transform workplace dynamics, improve team cohesion, and boost productivity.

Seven Institute provides access to top-quality resources and support to seamlessly integrate this powerful model into your organisation. Enhance your team dynamics and cultivate a harmonious work environment with Insights Discovery

Don't miss out on this opportunity! Click and watch our video to gain a deeper understanding of this impactful tool and learn how it can make a significant difference in your workplace.

Contact us today to learn more.

Elevate your conference with a dynamic keynote speech

Insights Discovery Keynote Speaker: Paul Rhodes

Keynote Speaking View Paul's full profile here

Are you looking for a dynamic and engaging keynote topic for your conference? Consider Insights Discovery!

Insights Discovery is a powerful tool that can help organisations improve communication, collaboration, and overall performance. A keynote speech on Insights Discovery will provide attendees with a deep understanding of the Insights model and how it can be applied in their personal and professional lives.

Attendees will learn how to use Insights Discovery to improve communication and collaboration within their teams and discover their own personality type and how it affects their communication and work style. They will leave with practical tools and strategies for effectively working with others who have different personality type.

Having a keynote on Insights Discovery at your conference will provide valuable insights and skills that attendees can immediately apply to their work and relationships. Don't miss out on the opportunity to offer this transformative topic to your attendees.

Our keynote speaker, Paul Rhodes, is an expert in the Insights Discovery model, an engaging presenter and has delivered hundreds of Insights Discovery workshops to thousands of delegates.

Contact us today to learn more.

Watch Insights Discovery videos to choose the most suitable option


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Are you interested in learning more about what makes your personality unique? Increase your self-awareness and take your communication skills to a new level with the Insights Discovery personality profile. You will receive a foundational personality profile as well as a 30-minute online coaching session with one of our accredited practitioners. On top of the foundation profile you can add other chapters to increase your skills and knowledge including personal achievement, leadership and management, effective selling and interview skills. This product can change your life right now.


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Are you looking to increase your team's effectiveness? Insights Discovery is an industry leading personality profiling tool that can do just that. Your employees will benefit from the knowledge gained through their individual profiles and by attending our workshops. Run by accredited practitioners, these workshops will increase your team's ability to work together, deliver results and build a culture of engagement and performance. By helping your team understand themselves and their colleagues better, you are giving them the opportunity to develop, succeed, and be the best they can be.


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Leadership and Management is critical to any organisation's success and yet thousands of people are promoted every year without gaining the proper training required to equip them for their new roles. Insights Discovery is a dynamic tool that will help leaders at any level get the best out of themselves and those they lead. Our workshops and profiles ensure your managers understand the unique differences present in their teams. Delegates will learn to recognise these differences and adapt their leadership style accordingly. Don't wait until you start losing your best employees, invest in your leaders' development today.

Insights Discovery Accreditation

Becoming an Insights Practitioner involves completing a certification program offered by Insights, the company that developed the Insights Discovery system. The program is designed for individuals who want to become qualified to use the Insights Discovery system and related tools with individuals, teams, and organisations.

The certification program typically involves attending four-day workshops and completing a series of assessments and assignments that demonstrate your understanding and application of the Insights Discovery system.

Once you have completed the certification program and met the required standards, you will be qualified to use the Insights Discovery system and related tools in your work as an Insights Practitioner. This may involve conducting workshops, coaching sessions, team-building activities, and other interventions that are designed to help individuals and teams improve their communication, collaboration, and overall effectiveness.

Download Accreditation Face to Face Factsheet

Download Accreditation Virtual Delivery Factsheet

Contact us today to learn more.

Insights Discovery Accreditation

The Benefits of working with Seven Institute as an Insight's Distributor.

Seven Institute is a Licensed Insights Discovery distributor. We work to support both companies and consultants along their Insights journey. We offer discounted accreditation fees (run by Insights directly) and discounts on the Insights Discovery products. Practitioner's working with us will have their own Insights online administration portal to create and manage their profiles and team wheels.

Insights E-learning

Are you looking for an E-Learning solution as a supplement to your organisations Insights Discovery journey? Our online learning solutions include two Insights Discovery modules, Beginning your Journey and Insights Discovery for Leadership. Both modules take around 15-20 minutes to complete, can be provided as a file for your learning management system (we can also provide CORTEX LEARN LMS platform if you don’t have one).

Click on the link below for an example of the learning. Please contact us for more information.

Soft skills and Insights Discovery blended learning options

Presentation Skills to Different Energies of the Insights Wheel

Presentation Skills Image

Presenting information to the different colour energies can be a challenging experience. In this workshop delegates will learn how to design messages that appeal to all 72 energies of the insights colour wheel, including the Fiery Red, Cool Blue, Sunshine Yellow, and Earth Green energy types. We will explore the key drivers that will help engage each energy, what to avoid, and discover what response you can expect from a mixed energy audience. Delegates will get to practice delivering a message to their opposite colour energy and understand more about their own personal learning preferences.

Influence and Persuasion based on Insights Discovery Profile

Influence and Persuasion Image

We are all selling something, whether it's a product, a service, an idea, or just an opinion on where to go for your summer holiday. Having the ability to influence and persuade your clients, your boss or your partner is a communication essential if you want to succeed in life. In this workshop delegates will learn what influences people based on their Insights Discovery profile and personal preferences. Delegates will learn to identify and recognise the Fiery red, Cool Blue, Sunshine Yellow, and Earth Green energy types and how to best adapt their behaviour to ensure the message influences others effectively.

Coaching Conversations using Insights Discovery Profile

Coaching Conversations Image

Learn how to have breakthrough conversations using Insights Discovery. Whether you are managing a team or looking to improve your coaching skills this course will uncover the key elements required before, during, and after a coaching conversation. Delegates will learn how to have challenging conversations to change behaviour or drive results, expansive conversations to evoke emotion and discover possibilities, supportive conversations that recognise individual contribution and positively raise self-awareness, and informative conversations to share knowledge, give facts and evaluation options.

Have Effective Meetings Using Insights Discovery Profile

Have Effective Meetings Image

Use the Insights Discovery colour energies to succeed during meetings in a whole way. Delegates will learn how to establish ground rules for effective meetings using the Insights Discovery model as a foundation. Understand how to gain the Fiery Red, Cool Blue, Sunshine Yellow, and Earth Green energy types involvement in every meeting. Create a safe, structured environment that will make the most of the time spent together whether it's a team meeting, a client meeting or a one-one brainstorming session. Learn how to use props to control conversations and stay on track.

Helping Employees understand their Insights Discovery Profile

Helping Employees Image

This workshop is specifically designed for leaders, managers, supervisors and other employees that are required to explain the Insights Discovery profile to other staff. Delegates will gain increased confidence and understanding around each of the profile sections and how to effectively debrief others. We will look at hints and tips that delegates can use when discussing each section and find out how to recognise topics for further discussion. Delegates will get hands-on experience and practice interpreting individual profiles and how to use the feedback to hold effective performance appraisal sessions.

Using Insights Discovery Profile to Solve Business Challenges

Solve Business Challenges Image

There are many challenges facing businesses in the post-postmodern society of ours (how many posts are we up to these days?): getting the best out of people, ensuring the business is profitable, implementing change, retaining the right people, creating the culture, wellness, the list goes on. This workshop is designed to help leaders identify some of the key challenges they face. Delegates will analyse their business and their specific needs and will learn how they can use the Insights Discovery model to create meaningful solutions using our "Business Challenge Analysis" cards.

Insights Explore

Insights Explore

Insights Explore is a learner-led application that is based on the validated psychology of the Insights Discovery system. It uses a simple, four-color model to help individuals explore their personality preferences and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

The web-based app is designed to help learners take the first step towards greater self-awareness, personal growth, and improved relationships by allowing them to explore their own colour preferences within the app. By gaining insights into their own personality and communication style, individuals can learn how to better communicate and work with others who have different styles.

Contact us today to learn more.